hello! my second blog! yay~ yesterday too tired to blog even though i was online.
hmmz. yesterday. went to study the whole day at changi airport with keith and joan and xin yue. hahaz, then i overslept. then saw sherron and kaixiong. hahahz kaixiong hairstyle not nice le lah. then after that went for the planetshakers thingy with joan keith diana shawn yisheng constance and joshua. it was quite nice and fun1 but i still think last year's one was nicer. coz this year they never sing the song i like! darn. hahaz, but anyway afer all the songs there was preaching =S don't really like it coz they preach from the bible then i don't know anything. oh yah! hahaz, me and yisheng were the only two non-christians in the group. hahaz, but he super tall like weiqiang! then talk that time he must bend down like so xin ku. so sometimes i got tip toe. but then still not tall enough. hmmz.. initially walk in that time was a bit apprehensive coz like all christians then a bit out of place. but after that was better. joan was jumping about and keeping the spirits hgh as usual. then me and yisheng jumped along too! it was a good effort made by us hor. hahaz, but jump little while coz very paiseh then his jeans too loose want to drop le. then his legs so long then halfway want to cramp don't want to cramp de. but i like his shoes. it's my favourite brand! nike de! but very expensive. how? nvm lah. i want to get new hp first. hee.
then after that they pray in a group then must hold hand. i like that part coz it's like everybody was praying! then like very cosy like that. like quite a sweet notion. i like! although i nv pray.
then today went to support them in the semis'. hmmz weiqiang jiaqing jia you! they got into finals! tmr go down support! ronald and jerry also very good! got into finals! jia you jia you! then after that went to eat.. roti prata! me esther bey hiang en and boon luan! then we sit down and chit chat. hmmz... then we chat and i found out things i never knew. we all got blog! weee~~ so cool! aiyahz. only boon don't have. but nvm. then we all also decided to jia you le!
okay then block test coming. but then i not as worried or nervous then i usually will be. maybe that day then i don't know how to do a lot of sums then will bahx. but then if fail then i must work harder only right? hahaz, then jia you bahx!
posted by tricia, me and i at 5:25 AM
Name! : Tricia!
Age: 18 le!
School: used to be Temasek Secondary which i love lots!
now it's Meridian Junior College!
birthday! : 22nd MAY
[[ My hopes! my wishes! my wants! yeah! ]]
for block test to be over
to get into the semi-finals for canoeing
for mid years to be over!
for grad night to faster arrive!
to go on a holiday with the canoeists!
to be able to watch my favourite anime!
for michael owen to come back to liverpool!
for steven gerrard to remain in liverpool!(2009)
for liverpool to get epl champions!
for everyone to be happy everyday every minute every second
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