i was browsing through my friend's blog, my cousin's and of course my own blog. and i realised that mine is the most un-updated. boo. anyway i was looking through the pics in my com, and i realised that i haven't been putting up pictures! yeah. anyway, here's the canoeist outing on new year's eve. yeah. i confirm it's new year's eve. and we went without pk and benjy! coz they couldn't make it. and as usual, there's me esther and shirley. as always more than as usual. haha, anyway, with shirley's nice camera, we took some pictures. there's one babe with 2 idiots. that's 3 babes! and don't know if you remember, but ta-dah!!!! wahahahaha.
there's norvin, john john and ronaldliwanhao! guess who took the photos! it's yours truly!
there's the same babe with her centre of attraction being snatched away!
that's still the pretty babe being bullied by 2 idiots!
see! it's still the 3 of us! but this time we were younger! my hair grew. shirley's hair curled. esther... still wearing the same shirt. it's her sentosa shirt! =D and we looked tanner here! damn. those were the days.
and our very famous tau pok! haha, poor weiqiang! so cute.
and here we are at bimbo's house. i look like a small kid. it's the angle of the camera. really. remind me never to pose like that again. see the cute girl beside me? that's hiang ling. shir's sister. it's amazing isn't it. of having the same genes yet turning out to be COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. one's so smart, the other's just... plain BIMBOTIC. haiz.
anyway i had lots of fun that day, amid being tired, i was glad to catch up with the canoeist. i hope to see them during new year, but alas, new year will be another post yet again. till then my fellow canoeist, let's meet up in one whole complete group k?
let me set the date.
it shall be a very good and auspicious day.
22nd of may then.
tricia you smart girl!
posted by tricia, me and i at 10:54 PM | 0 comments
Name! : Tricia!
Age: 18 le!
School: used to be Temasek Secondary which i love lots!
now it's Meridian Junior College!
birthday! : 22nd MAY
[[ My hopes! my wishes! my wants! yeah! ]]
for block test to be over
to get into the semi-finals for canoeing
for mid years to be over!
for grad night to faster arrive!
to go on a holiday with the canoeists!
to be able to watch my favourite anime!
for michael owen to come back to liverpool!
for steven gerrard to remain in liverpool!(2009)
for liverpool to get epl champions!
for everyone to be happy everyday every minute every second
Sarin Gas
"Given Up" Wake in a sweat againAnother day's been...
the stronger person that i am
where are my friends?
something bothers me
political views?
more chinese
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
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