posted by tricia, me and i at 1:47 PM | 4 comments
look! i was studying Sarin Gas for forensic and this is a very sad thing to happen. Sarin gas is a poisonous gas and apparantly it was used by Iraqi military against Kurdish villagers. And the journalist who was there said this!
" It was life frozen. Life had stopped, like watching a film and suddenly it hangs on one frame. It was a new kind of death to me. You went into a room, a kitchen and you saw the body of a woman holding a knife where she had been cutting a carrot. (...) The aftermath was worse. Victims were still being brought in. Some villagers came to our chopper. They had 15 or 16 beautiful children, begging us to take them to hospital. So all the press sat there and we were each handed a child to carry. As we took off, fluid came out of my little girl's mouth and she died in my arms. "
It's just terrible. I would have cried if it had happened to me.
posted by tricia, me and i at 5:00 AM | 0 comments
posted by tricia, me and i at 1:39 AM | 0 comments
posted by tricia, me and i at 1:12 AM | 0 comments
what doesn't break me, makes me stronger.
i am a strong girl. yes i am.
posted by tricia, me and i at 9:03 PM | 0 comments
where are all my friends?
i realised i haven't been seeing my hi5 group and i'm missing them! excluding shirley of course. I'm seeing her everyday mans.
can't wait for exams to be over.
and i've decided that we're going to have a christmas dinner right?!
so!!!! all you canoeist out there. can you please leave a comment or something about the dates that you will be free? i plan to put it either on a saturday dinner lasting till late night, or a friday dinner lasting till late night. please tell me!
posted by tricia, me and i at 9:51 PM | 10 comments
In my own little world
Where everything's perfect
Every one is smiling
No one has ever heard of dying
With the ice cream sundaes on the tables
Napkins neatly on their laps
Everyone is laughing
Not a tear in sight
Near the beach where the sun always shines
Everyone is always so kind
Where love actauly exists
And where friends always persist
Everyone is happy
No one is ever sad
The only things that could go wrong
was running out of wipped cream
Then realizing this is all a dream
This place dosent and wont ever exist
It is fake, down, up and all around
This life cannot compare
Who would want to live there any way
Nothing would happen nothing would stir
Life would not even be a blur
Second by second year by year
nothing would change
This life may hurt
This life may not be perfect
who can you blame but yourself
To make yourself happy
Its just all plain you
Theres nothing else you can do
Lifes an adventure
Live it like the dream
And always remember buy extra wipped cream
posted by tricia, me and i at 12:46 AM | 0 comments
in the midst of studying for tcm. a little something happened that kinda made me feel guilty....
i guess. i GUESS. it could be partially my fault. but then i really think that i am not that wrong either. sigh. shall see how the situation is. whether it can be salvage or not.
and i guess i should stop feeling so guilty. right?
does being in uni make one selfish?
i don't wanna be a selfish kid!
tricia ponders.
posted by tricia, me and i at 5:54 AM | 0 comments
i am blogging again. don't say i'm damn free. i'm not. i'm actually taking a break from the complexity of traditional chinese medicine. nowadays. the word, "FREE" is beginning to irritate me damn a lot.
back to the point. i was just reading xx's blog and it seems like she gets pretty much a hell load of comments, by just stating her views on the whole america presidential campaign. (you can read all about it here.) which brings me to the point ---
Seriously, what is wrong with these people?!
i mean looking at the long list of comments, some positive most negative, most of them in fact don't seem like educated comments nor OBJECTIVE ones.
some of them have poorly written english, which just goes to show that they are not reading much about the whole issue and offer their shallow viewpoints, or that some of them just rant foul language, which goes to show how uncivilised and how rude they are at not accepting the fact that PEOPLE HAVE THE RIGHT TO THINK DIFFERENTLY AND HAVE DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEWS.
i mean seriously. i totally abhor people, who can't accept the fact that others around them have a mindset of their own, and make it seem so mandatory to have to accept and conform to their way of thinking. idiots i tell you. i mean wad's the big deal? you state your point, i state mine, and we walk away with a deeper understanding of each other.
and i totally agree that this article kinda make sense --> here!
it's a good read. do take the time to read it.
and to clarify, by uneducated views i do not discriminate against people who have poor command of the english language whatsoever, but for those who clearly uses foul language to get their point across. i mean you can say you disagree or agree with a certain point, but can't you just put it across nicely?
does being mean and spiteful about comments = you are right? NO!
it only makes people upset, angry and pissed.
and i don't see why you should disrupt the harmonious living that we are having so far with your silly inconsiderate comments. it just doesn't make sense to me.
all i'm saying is that, if there are others, with comments and ways of thinking different from one of your own, don't be such a meanie. you either listen, talk it out AMICABLY, or shuddup and walk away if you can't. coz i believe, at the end of the day, neither one will be convinced that the other is right.
having a different opinion is equivalent to having a new perspective of things shown to you that you might not have even thought about.
and now. tcm is calling.
it wants to show me its perspective of the medical world.
sigh. but it's a refreshing break though. hee.
tricia was here.
posted by tricia, me and i at 5:45 PM | 0 comments
i just saw this disgusting slime thingy in my room. and IT MOVES. yuck. the sad thing is i didn't manage to catch it and kill it in time. shit.
booo. the tcm teacher JUST POSTED the old slides online, which he has sort of revised! i think he did revise it coz it doesn't look the same from my notes!!!
and it's like i'm already starting revision for forensic! and now! i have to revert back to writing chinese words and characters. hai. my wrist like don't really know how to twist and turn to write out chinese characters le!
coz i have been writing english notes for forensic?
aaaah. haha.
tcm is tomorrow! wish me luck!
tricia was here. tricia brings the luck!
posted by tricia, me and i at 2:40 PM | 0 comments
haha. I saw the comments the many of you have put down. and yes. it is especially comforting ot know that you guys are such avid readers of my blog other than just your lecture notes.
aren't you glad that there's something to read at whenever you are taking a break from your studies?!
ha. don't mention it mans. =D
anyway, it is hard to live together even as a family, where there are times when there are conflicting issues, or rather small conflicting issues such as who gets to use the toilet first in the morning and yada yada..
but we have lived with them all our lives, and practically, our living habits are suited to accommodate one another. still don't get what i'm trying to say? haha, i guess what i want to say is that it is hard to live together harmoniously as a family, so I THINK it is even harder for two complete strangers, who fall in love, and live with each other. much compromising and accommodation must be done. and the difference is, they are not family yet. so it seems to me that if that special someone truly wants to spend the rest of his/her life with you, then there must be lots and lots of sacrifices. and i mean peaceful sacrifices. not the ones where you grudgingly says yah lah yah lah.
but anyway, i heart my friends and my family! the nice funny comments have brought a good cheer to this stressful exam period and the little ways that my family have tried to help me tide over this period simply makes me feel loved.
ha. and of course, yes. not forgetting you anonymousxu. who wants to remain anonymous though it's pretty obvious who you are. haha. i have received feedback from different people actually. that how my blog actually portrays a negative image of xu.
YES. he is childish and immature at times or most of the times. and yes. i am often bloggin about how upset i am when we quarrel. but what i have not blog much here, is how nice he has been to me and my family. haha, i guess the reason is because i have this tendency to express myself in the literary way here, and speak heaven and earth about how angry i am or how upset i am or the crux of the matter that we quarrelled. but we do have happy times together and when we do, i find that i don't blog about it.
why don't i blog much about happy things. i also do not know. my guess is that happy times pass real fast! and zing! it's over before i can blog about it and the angry times come. i guess this is what is meant by the ups and downs of life.
anyway, if i am happy, i will just blog to say i am happy. coz.. i don't know. being happy doesn't seem to have much to blog about. though i will try. haha.
and yes. xu is nice because he bought sunflowers for me and my mummy because my mummy fell real ill one day and he bought it to cheer her up. and he is nice to me because... he can tolerate my irritating-ness and my procrastinations.
you know. i AM very procrastinating. and oh believe me. i can be such a mean bitch when i am. and HE is the one that sees the ugly side of me. i mean shirley does too. but she's uglier. hee. hahaha just kidding lah.
i know!!! you all are thinking that huh. tricia can be such a bitch?! but she's just so nice! haha. yah. thanx thanx. i am nice. but sometimes, niceness has its limits. aren't you glad i'm always nice to you all?
hmmm. and someone has recently made this comment to me that, you don't expect the world to conform to your whims and whams, instead you are SUPPOSED to conform to the world. Because the world doesn't stop changing because of you.
well. it is true to a certain extent. but i would like to beg to differ. because most of the time, we, HUMANS, HOMOSAPIENS, are the ones causing the world to change. so why should we, or rather ME, let myself be conformed by this world to become what it wants me to be? i definitely don't believe for one that i have to conform to this world to get what i want. i can make the world bend to me for of course reasonable reasons and accept me as who i am for the graciousness of it all. see. then i can become miss world! haha just kidding. but you get what i mean.
i mean certain things yes, you have to fight to get what you want. but if you have already fought for what you want, then if it is meant to be yours, it will be yours.
and one more thing, whenever, in a fit of an anger, please please do not and whatever you do, refrain from saying meanful, spiteful and hurtful things. yes we all say forgive and forget, but do we really forget? i mean once you say such mean things, the damage is done, the hurt is caused, and the HURT, is really one thing to take. time heals all wounds. but do we have the time to wait for wounds to heal?
alright. an amazing long post. have a good read. shall try to blog more often. i hope.
haha. good luck to my tcm mans! do lao cheng proud? i ALWAYS do her proud mahx. ha.
tricia was here.
posted by tricia, me and i at 4:42 AM | 2 comments
tcm = traditional chinese medicine = 中医学说
tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm, tcm.....
posted by tricia, me and i at 12:13 AM | 2 comments
i'm scared when i saw this super duper long e-mail by the tcm prof!
it's filled to the brim with chinese words! and i had to painstakingly decipher them word for word.
please please please. next time if ever any of you send me an e-mail. no chinese words. my eyes are spoilt. i think i might be suffering from this:
Sinophobia- Fear of Chinese, Chinese culture.
wad do you think?
just kidding lah.
but seriously the torrent of chinese words in that e-mail.. i've got a headache.
posted by tricia, me and i at 10:18 PM | 0 comments
the things that i wanna do after the exams!
1. go sing k box!
2. have been thinking of buying sum 41 cd for quite some time le. but still contemplating. as in the cd that i want to buy is not exactly the latest one. hahaha.
3. go cycling or rollerblading?
4. work my ass off so i can save enough money to go usa next year! working with my best colleague ng yen yong!
5. ......
6. .....
haha. now i only though of all these things lah. when i think of more then i will pen down.
oh yah! i wanna change my blogskin too. it's old and mouldy!
but i'm such an IT idiot. changing blogskin will probably take the whole damn day. haha. sigh.
oh and i wanna watch lots and lots of dvds! and go to the movies too! i think. haha.
oh when oh when will the exams be over... or rather, when will my uni life be over?
tricia was here.
posted by tricia, me and i at 5:01 PM | 1 comments
you stupid mosquito.
blood sucker.
go away go!
posted by tricia, me and i at 4:46 AM | 0 comments
haha. was studying when i suddenly thought of this.
i can still vividly remember when the canoeist attended ronaldliwanhao's birthday party and the silly blanket game that we played. haha, wad childish fun it was. yet we truly and really enjoyed ourselves. the laughter and the shouting and the small bantering among us.. ha. it really brings a smile to my so downtrodden and stressful face. i hope it does the same for you guys whoever is reading this post too.
can't wait for exams to be over, where we shall go for christmas lunch or dinner k! and of course! naturally following the theme i set every single year: red and green! i mean though it only started last year, but it's still a theme. and it's a christmas theme hor!!
all the best for your revision guys!
lots of love,
posted by tricia, me and i at 3:21 AM | 1 comments
It's the time of the year again and it beats me why i am typing my post in purple!
what time did i say it was again? oh i didn't well, it's DE examz.
i know i know. i've only got two papers. please, let's just stop harping on it. i mean i know i have 2 papers. but. i didn't really plan for this yah. and, have you thought of the additional stress that i might be having if i don't do well for ONLY two papers?? i mean well they are only electives.. but you get the gist. it's still an exam.
Just went for TCM yesterday and i happen to ask jiayun and daphne about the career prospects and if they are currently sourcing for a job. so they said they didn't had the time and that they were okay with like not receiving a contract before they graduate. and i really heaved a big sigh of relief there and then.
my first thoughts were, "i'm not the only one!"
ha. it seems to piss me off that depsite the not so many or rather many resumes that i've sent out, i still don't have any replies. like ANY. it set me thinking was it really me? or was it whatever that is was on my resume.
well screw that. it really frightens me as to what kind of a person i've become since entering uni. there's a great deal of insecurity and uncertainty looming overhead me and i feel so crushed, so small and so tiny in the face of such immense negativity.
see. whatever happened to the, don't worry if it is meant to be yours it will be yours? i've really always always believed that out in the vast humane world, there is one job and only one career that belongs to me me me and me alone. we just haven't had the chance to make acquaintance out of each other.
but i guess with the peer pressure and the ambitious hunger of the people around me, i am slowly being consumed and swallowed up by the whirlwind of unhappiness, selfish and backstabbing snippets of soon to be life of the corporate world i see in uni.
i could count this as my rare positive posts that i've had in the longest time ever, and in fact, it has made me realise that, i for one, have not been holding through to my belief. that if what you believe in doesn't affect the way you live, then it isn;t very important.
which boild down to, what exactly do i believe in?
well.. i believe that i am an talented individual, that will make it out there in the cold harsh world based on my own merits regardless what others may think or regardless how long i take.
so why did i waver?
i've realised that for SO long, i've been standing precariously on the edge, wavering in my belief of what others have said. so for now, it is up to me to stay true to myself, and true to my beliefs.
funny how my beliefs in life have turned out to be my guiding principles, my stronghold to grasp on to in such times of uncertainties. so never waver again tricia?
to add on. saw the recent news article on how sg government was sueing wall street. i think it's an absolute waste of resources. it's just CRAP. it just shows us how childish we can be just cause we can't accept a few harsh criticisms from others. i mean, no country is perfect. if you want to get a perfect review on the newspaper or whatever scholarly journal, then it would have to be a biased one wouldn't it?
and no, it is not crazy to want to ask for criticism or even to welcome them, because it is A WAY that lets us know what the world truly thinks, and it is A WAY that we are able to know where we can improve on. SO. instead of viweing it in a positive light, why can't WE be gracious enough to accept it and show that they are wrong through our silent actions???
they way i see it, it is just a war of words.
posted by tricia, me and i at 1:21 AM | 0 comments
Name! : Tricia!
Age: 18 le!
School: used to be Temasek Secondary which i love lots!
now it's Meridian Junior College!
birthday! : 22nd MAY
[[ My hopes! my wishes! my wants! yeah! ]]
for block test to be over
to get into the semi-finals for canoeing
for mid years to be over!
for grad night to faster arrive!
to go on a holiday with the canoeists!
to be able to watch my favourite anime!
for michael owen to come back to liverpool!
for steven gerrard to remain in liverpool!(2009)
for liverpool to get epl champions!
for everyone to be happy everyday every minute every second
Sarin Gas
"Given Up" Wake in a sweat againAnother day's been...
the stronger person that i am
where are my friends?
something bothers me
political views?
more chinese
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
September 2007
November 2007
December 2007
February 2008
March 2008
May 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008