haha. I saw the comments the many of you have put down. and yes. it is especially comforting ot know that you guys are such avid readers of my blog other than just your lecture notes.
aren't you glad that there's something to read at whenever you are taking a break from your studies?!
ha. don't mention it mans. =D
anyway, it is hard to live together even as a family, where there are times when there are conflicting issues, or rather small conflicting issues such as who gets to use the toilet first in the morning and yada yada..
but we have lived with them all our lives, and practically, our living habits are suited to accommodate one another. still don't get what i'm trying to say? haha, i guess what i want to say is that it is hard to live together harmoniously as a family, so I THINK it is even harder for two complete strangers, who fall in love, and live with each other. much compromising and accommodation must be done. and the difference is, they are not family yet. so it seems to me that if that special someone truly wants to spend the rest of his/her life with you, then there must be lots and lots of sacrifices. and i mean peaceful sacrifices. not the ones where you grudgingly says yah lah yah lah.
but anyway, i heart my friends and my family! the nice funny comments have brought a good cheer to this stressful exam period and the little ways that my family have tried to help me tide over this period simply makes me feel loved.
ha. and of course, yes. not forgetting you anonymousxu. who wants to remain anonymous though it's pretty obvious who you are. haha. i have received feedback from different people actually. that how my blog actually portrays a negative image of xu.
YES. he is childish and immature at times or most of the times. and yes. i am often bloggin about how upset i am when we quarrel. but what i have not blog much here, is how nice he has been to me and my family. haha, i guess the reason is because i have this tendency to express myself in the literary way here, and speak heaven and earth about how angry i am or how upset i am or the crux of the matter that we quarrelled. but we do have happy times together and when we do, i find that i don't blog about it.
why don't i blog much about happy things. i also do not know. my guess is that happy times pass real fast! and zing! it's over before i can blog about it and the angry times come. i guess this is what is meant by the ups and downs of life.
anyway, if i am happy, i will just blog to say i am happy. coz.. i don't know. being happy doesn't seem to have much to blog about. though i will try. haha.
and yes. xu is nice because he bought sunflowers for me and my mummy because my mummy fell real ill one day and he bought it to cheer her up. and he is nice to me because... he can tolerate my irritating-ness and my procrastinations.
you know. i AM very procrastinating. and oh believe me. i can be such a mean bitch when i am. and HE is the one that sees the ugly side of me. i mean shirley does too. but she's uglier. hee. hahaha just kidding lah.
i know!!! you all are thinking that huh. tricia can be such a bitch?! but she's just so nice! haha. yah. thanx thanx. i am nice. but sometimes, niceness has its limits. aren't you glad i'm always nice to you all?
hmmm. and someone has recently made this comment to me that, you don't expect the world to conform to your whims and whams, instead you are SUPPOSED to conform to the world. Because the world doesn't stop changing because of you.
well. it is true to a certain extent. but i would like to beg to differ. because most of the time, we, HUMANS, HOMOSAPIENS, are the ones causing the world to change. so why should we, or rather ME, let myself be conformed by this world to become what it wants me to be? i definitely don't believe for one that i have to conform to this world to get what i want. i can make the world bend to me for of course reasonable reasons and accept me as who i am for the graciousness of it all. see. then i can become miss world! haha just kidding. but you get what i mean.
i mean certain things yes, you have to fight to get what you want. but if you have already fought for what you want, then if it is meant to be yours, it will be yours.
and one more thing, whenever, in a fit of an anger, please please do not and whatever you do, refrain from saying meanful, spiteful and hurtful things. yes we all say forgive and forget, but do we really forget? i mean once you say such mean things, the damage is done, the hurt is caused, and the HURT, is really one thing to take. time heals all wounds. but do we have the time to wait for wounds to heal?
alright. an amazing long post. have a good read. shall try to blog more often. i hope.
haha. good luck to my tcm mans! do lao cheng proud? i ALWAYS do her proud mahx. ha.
tricia was here.
posted by tricia, me and i at 4:42 AM
Name! : Tricia!
Age: 18 le!
School: used to be Temasek Secondary which i love lots!
now it's Meridian Junior College!
birthday! : 22nd MAY
[[ My hopes! my wishes! my wants! yeah! ]]
for block test to be over
to get into the semi-finals for canoeing
for mid years to be over!
for grad night to faster arrive!
to go on a holiday with the canoeists!
to be able to watch my favourite anime!
for michael owen to come back to liverpool!
for steven gerrard to remain in liverpool!(2009)
for liverpool to get epl champions!
for everyone to be happy everyday every minute every second
after the exams!
i don't know why
the me as i am now
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